The Efforts of Improving the Students’ Learning Participation and Learning Outcomesin the IPS Subject Through a Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) Model Assisted by a Crossword Puzzle at Grade IX.A SMPN 1 Lembah Gumanti Solok Regency

Arina Ida Putri, . Erianjoni


This research was aimed at improving the students’ learning participation and learning outcomes in the IPS Subject by using a cooperative learning model of the Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) type assisted by a Crossword Puzzle atgrade IX.A SMPN 1 Lembah Gumanti. This type of research was a Classroom Action Research. The subject of the research was the students of grade IX.A consisting of 23 strudents. The data of this research were collected by using a research observation sheet to see the changes and the improvementin the students’ learning participation in cycle I and cycle II.The tests were used to see the learning outcomes. Then, the data obtained were analyzed by using a percentage analysis.

            The results ofthe research in the students’ learning participation showed that the students learning participation in the pre-cycle was 43% and had an improvement in the first cycle reaching 70% on the mean score. Then, it has improved again in cycle 2 reaching 82% on the mean score. Furthermore, the resultof the learning test to find out the students’ learning outcomes showed that the mean score of the students’ learning outcomes also improvedd. The mean score of the learning outcomes in the pre cycle was 36%, then after the action in cycle 1 improved to 81.82%. Then, in cycle 2 it improved again reaching 90.90% on the mean score. This means that based on the results of observations and learning tests that have been done it is known that the students’ participation and learning outcomes in the IPS Subject using STAD type cooperative learning is much better than the previous cycle. The students' attention to the teacher’s explanations is better and focused. The students are confident to ask question,  to answer questions that are given individually by the teacher. Thus, it can be concluded that the use of the STAD model with a crossword puzzlein the IPS Subject at grade IX.A can improve the students’ participation and learning outcomes.


Participation, Learning Outcomes, Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) Models, Cross Puzzle

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