Analysis of Implementation of Biology Practicum for SMA / MA in Sungai Beremas Sub-District, West Pasaman Regency

Aldia Rizkhan, Linda Advianda


The purpose of this study was to: (1) find out the Biology practicum in class XI in the SMA-MA in Sungai Beremas District which included planning, implementation and evaluation processes, (2) knowing the obstacles of teachers and students in biology practicum in class XI SMA- MA in Sungai Beremas Subdistrict and knowing the constraints of teachers not to carry out practical activities. This research is descriptive research qualitative. The research data was obtained from the results of questionnaire analysis evaluating the practicum plan, interviews, questionnaires, constraints on practicum implementation for teachers and students.

The results of this study are: (1) The results of the practicum planning questionnaire analysis by teachers at MAN 1 West Pasaman get 97.02% with very good criteria, practical planning at Sungai Beremas 1 Public High School gets a score of 74.29, practical planning at Muhammadiyah High School get a score 54.27 with less criteria, (2) The process of practicum implementation at MAN 1 Pasaman Barat and SMAN 1 Sungai Beremas needs improvement, especially in apperception, classroom management, time allocation, procurement of laboratories along with practical tools to support practical implementation, while the practicum process in Muhammadiyah High School it was not implemented because of limited learning time, laboratories and practicum supporting tools that did not yet exist, (3) Practical evaluations in MAN 1 West Pasaman could be implemented but only assessed cognitive aspects and evaluation of practicum at SMAN 1 Sungai Beremas could not be implemented due to time constraints, (4) the results of the constraint questionnaire analysis the experienced by the teacher in the practicum in West Pasaman MAN 1 got an average score of 37.96 with less constrained criteria and the results of the questionnaire analysis of constraints experienced by Sungai Beremas 1 High School teachers got an average of 57.85 with sufficient constrained criteria, (5) The results of the obstacle questionnaire analysis faced by students during the practicum in MAN 1 West Pasaman get an average score of 57.42 with criteria quite constrained and the results of the questionnaire analysis of obstacles faced by students when taking practicum at SMAN 1 Sungai Beremas get an average of 57.06 with criteria quite constrained .


Implementation, Practical Biology, SMA / MA Sungai Beremas

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