The Cooperative Lesson Model Influence of Type Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) Through The Skill Competency For The Student X MIA Senior High School State No. 1 Koto Baru Dharmasraya Regency

Chelsy Andani, . Syamsurizal


This research is purposed to reach the type cooperative lesson model influence of the Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) throungh the student skill competensi it’s used for abstract experiment to the research plan randomized control posted only design it’s conducted by X MIA 2 and MIA 3 of the senior high school state No. I Koto Baru that is registered in 2018/2019. It uses sample technichpurposive sampling for X MIA 2 as cntrolling for observation attitude the test data analysis are normality, homogenity and hipotesis takes the application SPSS version 16. The result determines the significant influence between experiment class and control which is experiment for experiment clas and 82, 28 for class control.The conclusion of this research is the type cooperative lesson model influence of the Student Team Achievement Division (STAD). It makes progressif skill competency for the student.


Cooperative Lesson Model, Team Achievement Division (STAD), Student X MIA Senior High School State No. 1.

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