Instructional Leadership Practices and Challenges in Primary Schools of Robe Town Administration in Oromia Regional State of Ethiopia
The main purpose of this study was to assess the practice and challenges of instructional leadership in primary schools of Robe Town Administration in Oromia Regional State of Ethiopia. To realize this purpose, three basic questions related to selection of school leadership, instructional leadership roles and challenges encountered were raised. To this effect, descriptive survey design involving both quantitative and qualitative approaches was employed. Data was gathered from both primary and secondary sources. Primary sources were 88 teachers, 5 school principals and 4 education experts. Simple random sampling technique was employed to proportionally select teachers while purposive sampling was employed to pick school principals and education experts. Interview and questionnaire were employed to collect primary data. Documents were consulted for secondary data. Percentage and mean were used to analyze quantitative data while the qualitative data were narrated and analyzed to support the qualitative analysis.The findings indicate that political affiliation and membership were emphasized in the selection of school principals.There were no fairness and transparency in application of the prescribed criteria. Instructional leadership roles like provision of instructional support and technical assistance, experience sharing and enhancing teachers’ professional development, involving experienced teachers and the community in school leadership, securing material support and planning for proper utilization of resources were found low.Lack of commitment and professional development opportunities for the leadership, resistance to accept pedagogical roles, lack of adequate facilities and resources, shortage of budget and low financial support, low stakeholders’ involvement and absence of support from the local political leaders were challenges to properly practice instruction leadership activities.Hence, it was concluded that actual instructional leadership activities were not to the expected level. Finally, it was recommended that school leaders be strictly trained to embark on instructional leadership activities beside the traditional school administration roles.
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