The Influence of Guided Inquiry Learning Model with LKPD Assistance on Attitude Competencies of Class XI Students of SMAN 1 Sungayang

Nur Laila, . Lufri


This research is motivated by a learning process that is still passive and only highlights the intellectual aspect. The learning model used by the teacher is still conventional so that changes in student attitudes are less noticed. To overcome this problem, researchers want to apply a guided inquiry learning model that is assisted by LKPD which aims to improve the competency domain in the attitude of class XI students in Sungayang 1 High School. This type of research is quasi-experimental research with design Randomized Control Posted Only Design. The population in this study were all students of class XI IPA 1 Sungayang. Data analysis techniques to test hypotheses using Mann-Whitney test. The results of the hypothesis test obtained the value of Asymp. Sig for 0.017. This shows that the Guided Inquiry learning model assisted by LKPD is better than the learning competencies in the realm of students who take conventional learning.


Guided inquiry, LKPD, attitude

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