The Effects of Snowball Throwing (ST) Model Aided by Activity Sheets with Nuances of Problem Solving on Student Skills
This study aims to determine the effects of Snowball Throwing (st) model aided by activity sheets with Problem Solving on the knowledge of students. The type of research used is a quasi-experimental research with Randomized Control Posted Only Design. The population used is VII grade students of Koto Baru Junior High School 1 that are registered in the 2018/2019 school year. Sampling using Simple random sampling technique and obtained class VII C as the experimental class and class VII D as the control class. The instrument used is an observation sheet. The data analysis is Man Whitney U test. The result shows that there are significant differences between the experimental and control classes where the value of the experimental class skills is higher than the control class. The average value of the skills of the experimental class is 3,30 (B+) and the control class is 3,02 (B). The conclusion of this study is that the learning competency aspects of the skills of students who follow the Snowball Throwing model aided by activity sheets with Problem Solving learning have a positive effect on the competency-based learning skill aspects of students who take conventional learning.
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