Implementation of Treffinger-Combined Mind Mapping Learning Model on Students’ Creativity and Learning Outcomes
Purpose of the research was to improve students’ creativity and learning outcomes in Class VIIC of SMPN 2 Sinunukan, North Sumatera by using Treffinger-CombinedMind Mapping learning model. It was a classroom action research. The subject was 21 students in Class VIIC of SMPN 2 Sinunukan; while, the objects were the whole Natural Science (IPA) learning process and outcomes. Data were collected by observation, test and exercise techniques. The instruments were students’ creativity observation sheets, tests and mind mapping exercises in every cycle. The obtained data were analyzed in qualitative and qualitative descriptive. From descriptive analysis result, it is known that Treffinger-CombinedMind Mapping can be implemented well in the classroom. It can be seen from: most of students in cycle II are able to produce various answers when they try to solve Natural Science problems, have different points of view in solving problems, students are able to comment their friends’ answers, are able to tell phenomena related to the learning materials. In addition, most of students are active and creative to tell their ideas/ opinion, do exercises independently, able to present and communicate their work in front of the class in detail and maximal.
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