Effect of Project Based Learning (PjBL) Model on Biology Psychomotor Competence of X Grade Natural Science Class Students in SMAN 1 Kapur IX

Pesa Desgamalia, . Syamsurizal


Purpose of the research was to know effect of Project based learning model on students’ Biology psychomotor competence. It was a quasi-experimental research and used Randomized Control Posted Only Design. The population is X grade Natural Science students in SMAN 1 Kapur IX, who are registered in academic year 2018/2019. Samples were taken by using Purposive Sampling technique. As a result, X MIPA 1 was as experimental class and X MIPA 2 was as control class. Instrument used was psychomotor observation sheets. Data were analyzed by using normality test, homogeneous test, and hypothesis testing by assistance of SPSS application. Finding shows that there is a significant difference between students’ Biology psychomotor competence in experimental and control classes, in which students’ psychomotor competence score in experimental class is higher than students’ psychomotor competence score in control class. Average score of students’ psychomotor competence in experimental class is 87.63 and in control class is 85.17. So, it can be concluded that Project based learning model can improve students’ Biology psychomotor competence


Project Based Learning (PjBL), Psychomotor, Biology Learning.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v15.2.1071


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