Need Analysis for Development of Learning Module with Problem Based Learning Model Based on Polya's Problem Solving to Improve Problem Solving Ability of Students

Nadya Mahardika, Djusmaini Djamas, Hamdi Rifai


Need analysis is the first step in the Plomp development model that needs to be done before developing a product. Aspects that have been analyzed are curriculum (passing competency standards, content, process, assessment) and characteristics of students. The purpose of this study was to find interventions that could be used to improve the problem-solving skills of students. The type of research that has been used is qualitative research with descriptive method. The subjects of the study were students of class X Senior High School No  4 Padang. Data that has been used in this research is primary data obtained  by using the instrument in the form of questionnaire which is compiled based on indicators of need analysis. The result of passing competency standards analysis shows that the average acquisition of knowledge competence of students is 66.07 which are in the less category. The result of learning process analysis shows two aspects that are still in the less category, that is learning model analysis 69,05 and analysis of learning source 68,75. The results of the assessment analysis with an average of 91.18 are in very good category. Results of analysis of the characteristics of students on the aspects of problem-solving skills are in the less category, that is 69.22. Needs analysis indicates that intervention can be used to improve problem-solving skill of students is learning module with problem based learning model based on Polya's problem solving.


Need Analysis, Learning Module, Problem Based Learning, Polya’s Problem Solving

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