Conservation Threats of Re-introduced Blackbuck (Antilope cervicapra) in Hirapurphanta of Shuklaphanta National Park, Kanchanpur, Nepal

Lata Pant, Suraj Prasad Joshi


The study of Blackbucks at Hirapurphanta was carried out through bi-seasonal vegetation analysis (pre-monsoon and post-monsoon), parasitological analysis, direct observation, questionnaire survey and secondary data collection. The field work was completed from December of 2017 to December of 2018. Sedimentation and centrifuging methods were applied for parasitological examinations. The study reported that the Relative Cover (RC) value for Imperata cylindrica, highest, as 24.17% in average, followed by Cynodon dactylon 12.96%, Digitaria setigera as 10.06% and so on. The ecological (realized) population density was 2.78 individuals/ha though the crude population density was found to be 1.65 individuals/ha. Parasites reported from the blackbuck were Eimeria spp. (both with micropyle and without micropyle), Strongyloides spp., and Strongyle spp. while that from livestock were Eimeria spp., Strongyle spp., and Oxyuris spp. The result obtained showed that there are common parasites between Blackbuck and Livestock. This implies that there is the chance of parasite transference from the livestock to the blackbuck which seems challenging in its conservation. The index of similarity between the parasites of blackbuck and that of livestock was found to be 0.67 and the calculated male to female sex ratio for adult is calculated to 1:0.86 and for sub-adults is 1:1.

Therefore, the study recommend in the eradication of the invasive species that altering the suitable habitat of blackbucks, making emergency health-post near the captivity and the bucks should be safeguarded from the possible attack of different harmful animals and strongly recommends in giving higher concern in its conservation from the government.


Blackbuck, Conservation, Fecal samples, Livestock, Parasites, Threats

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