The Effectiveness of Using Student Worksheet Based on Guided Inquiry toward the Student Learning Outcames in Buffer Solution Matrial

Fitra Handa Yani, Mawardi Mawardi, Mawardi Aisyah Fitri Rusiani Js


Learning outcomes have an important role in seeing the success of the learning process. Therefore improving learning outcomes is something important to consider. This study will see the success of using student worksheets based on guided inquiry on learning outcomes in buffer solution materials. The sample consisted of 36 students divided into two classes namely the experimental class and the control class. The learning experimental class uses guided inquiry-based student worksheets while the control class learns with textbooks that are not guided inquiry based. The study was conducted with type of non equivalent control group design. Data collected from the results of pre and post-test consisted of multiple choice tests given by the researcher. Tests for normality and homogeneity of the data possessed by this data are normally distributed and have a homogeneous variance. Based on the results of the study obtained N-Gain in the experimental class is 0.86 higher than the control class which is 0.76. Hypothesis testing is done with the help of SPSS software. Based on the results of the analysis obtained significance 0,000 at the 0.05 (α)  significance level and 95% confidence level. The significance value obtained is smaller than α. Therefore it can be concluded that learning using student worksheets based on guided inquiry can improve student learning outcomes in buffer solution material.


guided inquiry, student worksheets, learning outcomes, buffer solutions

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