Improving Students' Critical Thinking Skills Through Buffer Solutions Module Based on Scientific Approaches Assisted Probing Prompting Questions at SMAN 1 Payakumbuh
This study aims to determine the improvement of students' critical thinking through a module-based scientific approach assisted probing prompting questions on buffer solution material. The research design used was a Non-equivalent Control Group Posstest Only Design. The population in this research was a class of students of XI IPA SMAN 1 Payakumbuh academic year 2018/2019. Sample class selection was performed with purposive sampling cluster technique. The samples in this study were XI IPA 3 class as the control class and XI IPA 4 as the experimental class. The experimental class learnt to use a module based on scientific approaches assisted by probing prompting questions, while the control class without using a module. The research instrument used was a learning results test in a matter of essay critical thinking. The results of the study showed that the module-based scientific approach assisted by probing prompting question can improve students' critical thinking skills, evidenced by the average increase in posttest results. The test result of normality and homogenity stated that the critical thinking values of both the distributed samples were normal and homogeneous. The hypothesis test results obtained by SIG. (2-tailed) of 0.001 < 0.05 mean that the critical thinking value of learners who learn to use modules based on scientific approaches assisted by probing questions was differ significantly.
Keywords-Buffer solution module, scientific approach, probing prompting question, critical thinking
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