Analysis of Scientific Literacy Capabilities of Senior High School Students in Sungai Penuh Based on Science Competences

Nana Sutrisna, Azwir Anhar


This research aimed to analyze students scientific literacy skills of Grade X Senior High School in Sungai Penuh based on science competences. This research is a descriptive with a mixed method. The sample in this study were 86 students from three high schools with three categories: high, medium and, low categories taken by cluster random sampling technique. The instruments used were scientific literacy test questions and interview guideline sheets. The data analysis technique is done by describing the results of the student's test into the values and categories of scientific literacy achievements and analyzing the results of the interview. Based on the results of this research, it is known that the student scientific literacy skills of Grade X in Sungai Penuh based on science competency are classified as low with an average value of 22.66 to explain the phenomenon scientifically, 47.15 to evaluate data and designing scientific investigations, and 28.44 to interpret data and scientific evidence.


Science Literacy, Science Competence.

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