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Abdurakhimovna, Usmanova Sh., PhD studentat Uzbekistan State World LanguagesUniversity (Uzbekistan)
Abdurakhmon, Madaminov, Karakalpak state university, Ph.D.,associate Professor of “Uzbek linguistics” department (Uzbekistan)
Abdurashid Ugli, Sobirov Avazbek, Kokand State Pedagogical Institute Student, Methods Of Teaching Mathematics
Abduraxmonov, Dilmurod, Lecturer of Kokand State Pedagogical Institute
Abdurrachman, Fauzi, Republic Indonesian Defence University (Indonesia)
Abdusatorovna, Maxkamova Umida, TDPU is an independent researcher, applied speech therapist (Uzbekistan)
Abduvakhabovna, Nabiyeva Saidakhon, Basic doctoral student of Department of Corporate Governance of Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov (Uzbekistan)
Abduvalievich, Daminov Jakbarali, Associate Professor, Namangan Engineering Construction Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Namanagan city, 12 Islam Karimov street.
Abduvaliyev, Mukhammadjon, Andijan State University (Uzbekistan)
Abduvaxobovich, Eshmatov Davron, Namangan Engineering Construction Institute, Namangan, Republic of Uzbekistan
Abduxamitovna, Nugmanova Aropat, Senior Lecturer, Institute of Seismology named after G.O Mavlonov of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Abe, Ezinne Chidinma, University Of Portharcourt, Faculty Of Education, Department Of Curriculum Studies And Educational Technology. Uniport. Rivers State, Nigeria (Nigeria)
ABEGA, Juste Philantrope, Institute of Agricultural Research for Development - Wakwa Agricultural Research Centre; PO Box: 65 Ngaoundere, Cameroon.
ABETE, Somié Mekpewe, Centre National de l’Information et de l’Orientation Scolaires et Professionnelles (Togo)
Abeygunathilaka, Dhanushka, Directorate of Non-Communicable Diseases, Ministry of Health (Sri Lanka)
Abeysuriya, Vasitha (Sri Lanka)
Abeysuriya, Visula, Nawaloka Hospital Research and Education Foundation, Nawaloka Hospitals, Colombo
Abeysuriya, Visula (Sri Lanka)
Abeysuriya, Visula, Nawaloka Hospital Research and Education Foundation, Nawaloka Hospitals, Colombo (Sri Lanka)
Abi-Ghosn, Jean, Radiology Department, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Lebanese University, Hadath, Lebanon.
Abid, Sana, Pharmacognosy department, Faculty of pharmacy, University of Tripoli, Tripoli, Libya 2Biotechnology Research Centre, Tripoli. Libya
Abidakun, Emmanuel T., Department of Ecotourism and Wildlife Management Federal University of Technology, Akure
Abidin, Chairul, Department of Regional and Rural Development Planning,University of Sumatra Utara, North Sumatra, Indonesia (Indonesia)
Abiodun, Priscilla Oluwasemilore
Abiodun, Segun Oladapo, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (Nigeria)

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