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Azzouz M, Myriam, Environmental Biomonitoring laboratory LBE (LR01/ES14), Bizerta Bizerta Faculty of Sciences, Carthage University, 7021 Zarzouna, Tunisia.
Azzuhdi, Akhdan Nabil
ÖZÇELİK, Merve, Çarsamba Hacı Yılmaz Yılmaz Guidance and Research Center (Turkey)
Özdemir, Nilay, Ege University (Turkey)
Özdemir, Soner, Department of Architecture Engineering Cankaya University Ankara (Turkey)
ÖZIS, T., Faculty of Science Department of Mathematics, 35100 Ege University, Bornova – Izmir – TURKEY
ÇİNPOLAT, Rizvan, Artova Teachers' Home And Evening Art School
ÇELEN, Enis, Çarşamba Dumlupınar Secondary School Samsun, Turkey (Turkey)
Çelik Ateş, Hacer, Isparta University of Applied Sciences
Çetin, Ali, Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Faculty of Science and Letters, Department of Physics, Meşelik Campus, Eskişehir-Turkey
ÇINAR, Mehmet (Turkey)
ÇINAR, Mehmet, Bitlis Eren University, Tatvan Vocational School Bitlis, Turkey (Turkey)
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ISSN: 2509-0119