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ABDOULAYE, Dr Abdoul-Ramane, Laboratoire de Géographie Rurale et d’Expertise Agricole (LaGREA)
ABDOULLAHI, Iya, Institute of Agricultural Research for Development - Wakwa Agricultural Research Centre; PO Box: 65 Ngaoundere, Cameroon.
Abduganiev, Z., SamIVM Associate Professor, c.t.s (Uzbekistan)
Abduganiev, Z., Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Chair for Mechanization of Livestock Breeding, Samarkand Institute of Veterinary Medicine, postal index 140103, Mirzo Ulugbek str. 77, Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, postal index 1140161, Sattepo quarter b (Uzbekistan)
Abduganieva, Sh.Z., Doctoral student, Samarkand Institute of Veterinary Medicine, postal index 140103, Mirzo Ulugbek str. 77, Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, postal index 140117, Samarkand city, Rudakiy str., Bakhtli hayot mahalla, block 6, flat 6, Samarkand city, Re
Abduganieva, Sh.Z.,, SamIVM doctoral student (PhD).
Abdujabbarova, Feruza, PhD., Associate Professor of the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers Tashkent, Uzbekistan (Uzbekistan)
Abdukadirovna, Isaeva Gulnora, Senior Lecturer of Department of Russian Language and Literature Philology faculty, Bukhara State University (Uzbekistan)
Abdukarimov, Bekzod Abobakirovich, Department of Civil engineering construction, faculty of Construction Fergana polytechnic institute. Republic of Uzbekistan (Uzbekistan)
Abdukarimovich, Abdurasulov Abdullajon, Independent researcher of the Kokand State Pedagogical Institute. (Uzbekistan)
Abdukarimovich, Ostonokulov Azamat, DSc., Associate Professor, (Uzbekistan)
Abdukarimovich, Qobulov Xotamjon, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
Abdukhalil, Kayimov, Professor of Tashkent state agrarian university: Tulanov Doniyor Bakhtiyorovich- Tashkent state agrarian university Doctoral student of the “Forestry” department, (Uzbekistan)
Abdul Kadir, Khairul Kamilah binti, Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM), 52109 Kepong, Selangor, Malaysia (Malaysia)
Abdul Rani, Noor Hidayu
Abdul Razak, ., Lecturer of Postgraduate Biology Education Program, State University of Padang
Abdul Razak, Abdul Razak, Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka Air Tawar Barat Padang - 25131, Indonesia
Abdulah, Abdulah, STKIP Muhammadiyah Muaro Bungo (Indonesia)
Abdulhameed, Abdulazeez, Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Clinical Sciences, College of Health Sciences, University of Abuja, Abuja, Nigeria (Nigeria)
Abdulkareem, Rukayat Adenike, Department of Family Medicine, University of Abuja Teaching Hospital, Gwagwalada-Abuja Nigeria.
Abdulkhaev, Zokhidjon Erkinjonovich, Fergana Polytechnic Institute
Abdulla kizi, Muminova Nilufar, Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Abdulla Ugli, Usmanov Mirumar, Master’s degree student , Tashkent Financial Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Abdullaev, Azizbek Akbarovich, Andijan State Medical Institute (Uzbekistan)
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ISSN: 2509-0119