International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies, Vol 12, No 2 (2018)

Payment Gateway on E-Canteen Website Application

Husein Husein, Helmi Akbar, Muhammad Nurul Hisyam, Mercurius Broto Legowo


The Payment Gateway system is intended to simplify the payment process from sales websites to online systems without using cash (cashless). This study discusses the implementation of the buy-sell transaction system to avoid queues in transactions using the System Development Life Cycle method. The purpose of this study is to provide a solution for students to be able to transact more easily. This application is one form of application of information technology in the financial sector that makes buyers and sellers no longer need banknotes to make transactions in a canteen environment, so they can save time and effort. Payment gateway payment system is very suitable for transactions that speed up the transaction process. By utilizing wireless technology called Near Field Communication (NFC), payments can be made only with consumer cellular devices close to the reader or canteen of the shopkeeper. And get the queue in accordance with the order.